October 30, 2012


Today is October 30.

October 30th a year ago, was unequivocally the hardest day I have ever experienced in my 32 years of life.
It was the day Hope graduated mortal life.
Some people have been calling it her anniversary today, and I like that.

At 9:30 this morning I heard a knock on the door and dear Emma, a friend in our ward, came with comforting, kind words and a potted pink Gerbera daisy plant.

Later I went over to Carina's, who lifted my spirits with her cheer and life-loving children.

Two weeks ago, one of the sisters in our ward handed me a card.  I opened it at home.  It said:

Until you get your children's book published and are able to dedicate it to your dear Hope, this will have to do.
Enclosed is a gift card to Barnes & Noble.  Please purchase a book (or books) and made a donation to the Walpole Library in memory of Hope.  Carla Dean--the children's librarian--will be happy to accept any book(s) of your choosing.  She will place a template in the book(s) in the inside cover with Hope's name on it.
We know you're away from home and family right now, we hope this way you may have a monument to Hope close by.
We are thinking of you this month and we sure love you!

Tyler picked out this book to donate to the Walpole Library.

This is the one I picked out.  It's about a caterpillar turning into a butterfly.

The incredible thing to me is, the friend who gave it to me also has a daughter in heaven who went there in October.

Throughout the month, people have enquired as to how we are doing and I have gotten phone calls and texts today from family far and near.

And this is what I think:

How can we possibly fall, when there are so many hands holding us tight?

Love, C