Look, guys!
I seriously want to stand as a witness and let all you potential Fair Isle hat knitters know that if you have even a little seed of desire, if you let it work in your heart, and attempt it....
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Here is your close-up. |
I'm serious. If I can, you can.
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Here is the inside...you can see it's not perfect. |
Do you want to know the secret to it all?
Ok, I'll tell you.
Are you ready?
Here it is:
Find a "knitting friend."
They are out there.
They may be walking in front of you right now and you don't even know it.
All you need to do is ask.
This is why you will be able to do incredible things with a knitting friend:
Because collaboration is always better than competition.
I'm pretty sure it's, like, the highest form of work.
Just think about that for a while.
Also, it's always better to get frustrated over a project together with a friend, instead of alone.
Think of it as an opportunity to connect with your grandma, if she is your knitting friend.
(I was thinking about it the other day, and I think my Grammy is like my best friend now. Seriously. Knitting--ok and other things, too--has deepened our relationship.)
Or think of it as an opportunity to connect with your elderly neighbor. Or with a co-worker or the person on the train you see knitting.
Ask someone to be your "knitting friend" even if you don't know them.
But don't be a creeper.
I walked into the Walpole knitting store the other day and there was a group of ladies sitting around a table just knitting away.
I really think they would have let me join them if I had asked.
I also think it would be good for the world if everyone found a knitting friend.
Including President Obama. He and Michelle could knit together and relax and knit with Secretary of State Clinton and talk about politics if they wanted, or about how good a job the Secret Service was doing guarding them or how yummy the White House food is or how boring congressional meetings are.
I used to say if I were ever president, I would have a mandatory massage for every person. If every criminal could calm down long enough to have a good massage, maybe it would massage all the anger and hate and psychopathy right out of them. Well, I'm changing my theory to knitting now.
Not only is it relaxing, but you are developing yourself, AND making/creating something you can use!
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See? Look how happy I am to wear something I made! I don't even feel like committing a crime at all! |
I know I am being silly.
But I really do think, in a world where we plug up our ears with headphones and put on the blinders with iPads and TV and video games, it would be a healthy thing for the world to learn how to 'conversate' again.
A great place to start is with knitting. Cause then if you can't think of anything to say for a few minutes you aren't just staring at each other feeling uncomfortable, but you are working away at your project and it's not awkward.
My logic is sound. It is very, very sound.
Love, C
Caeli, GREAT job!
You are soo right! I need to find a Crochet friend. That would give me the motivation I need to actually finish the projects I start!
Great blog I really enjoy reading!
Much love and prayers,
Haha! Love it! I want to see Obama knitting....maybe I'd think about changing my vote. Who am I kidding? That would never happen! But, I see your point.
YOU have talent! The hat is BEAUTIFUL! I think you could shoot for the moon and accomplish it because you have so much drive and motivation. It is inspiring! If we had more Caeli's in the world, I am sure the crime rates would be next to none. :)
Ha ha Carina! You are so nice...I'm just glad you are one of my "knitting friends." :) How is your fair isle hat coming anyway?? I think we need some knitting time together soon!!!
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